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Chia Pudding Parfaits

About Chia Seeds:This is an ancient seed that has made a huge hit in the health food industry for good reason – not only are they high in protein, fiber and a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, Chia Seeds contain no gluten and are high in antioxidants. They have many of the same attributes of flax seeds but are lower maintenance because they do not require grinding to release their healthful properties.
Although not very flavorful alone, when added to water with a splash of lemon or lime juice they make a very refreshing and attractive summer drink. Athletes find the drinks made from water, Chia Seeds and juice keeps them hydrated longer due to Chias love of water – the seeds just attract it and soak it up.
Chia Seeds work great as an egg replacer in many dishes because of its ability to hold and gel in water – I love finding new ways to use them.