before people start posting pro-haxton blogs...they should attend a council meeting and see what an idiot this woman is. she's nothing but a "pot stirrer" ----- just going from one thing to another....never solving anything..just getting publicity...and that's all she ever wants..maybe she should start doing something constructive instead of destructive. she has been arrested for stealing cable, her brother had to call the orchard park police on her a couple of months ago because she was causing trouble there. she owes sales taxes on her business, property taxes on her business and her home, hasnt paid her mortgage in more than a year ( she'll probably blame someone else on that too) plus she owes $3000 to the EC water authority....she doesnt have the brain or retention factor of a pea. She shouldnt be a elected official. she holds court in a neighborhood restaurant and holds everyone but herself accountable for her life....DO LIKE THE REST OF US DO---------GET A JOB.