Enough partisian bickering and personal attacks. Enough name-calling and hateful rhetoric.

For 22 years, Project Censored has been publishing news stories which were never carried by the mainstream media omitting essential information on political & corporate corruption, data on public safety, environmental and other threats to health, safety and welfare.

The book form of Project Censored covers the top 25 news stories which the media did not cover in the prior year and covers an additional 100+ stories of importance you will not find from any other source
(unless you spent 10 hrs a day all over the web)

Project Censored's stories have nothing to do with a "liberal agenda" or "conspiracy theories" it is all solid, substantial news fully cited with all sources listed.

This is the real thing.

These are the stories which you have not and will never hear, read or listen to from the mainstream media.

The website link I've listed is both shocking and stunning.

Project Censored's website is comprehensive & updated daily.
And you may wish to bookmark it-If you wish to know what's really going on in the world.
