March 1st, 2011, 01:00 PM #205
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 788 "TWO" Years ago! Why do we still have the mine field in front of the Library? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Official Website

Monday, March 2, 2009Regular session of the Lackawanna City Council met in the Council Chambers, Council President Charles Jaworski presiding. The meeting was preceded by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Council President Jaworski.
Roll Call: Present: Haxton, Szymanski, Kulczyk, Schiavi, Jaworski

Create Line Item "Transfer to Capital Funds"
Advises Council that in order to use a portion of the City's fund balance to pay for street resurfacing projects and not sell a bond that would generate interest and bond attorney costs, it will be necessary for the Council to amend the current budget and create a new line item, “Transfer to Capital funds.”

Moved by Jaworski, seconded by Szymanski, receive and file, act upon ordinance.

Yeas: Haxton, Szymanski, Kulczyk, Schiavi, Jaworski Carried 5 – 0

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""I begged for this to happen because our fund balance was way too large......Spend cash for the capital improvement instead of "floating another bond"! Save people's hard-earned money by going this route that could be used for other things like a new City Hall, Fire Houses, Community Center, etc.They went along with me but nothing happened---please explain Mr. Jaworski---where is this money? BIG MONEY.""

Follow the money...... What have they been using the Fund Balance(their slush fund) for? Where is the money from 2009 Comptroller?
What happened--there was appr. 6 million that could have paid cash for OUR roads? CDBG money??? Where is our Senator, etc.--did you ask him fellas? I know he was not your candidate( Stachowski is gone) but he did win--so ask him to help us, please? And if someone already did--Thank You!

Two years ago I got them to agree NOT to float a bond and now they want to? If they would have done the work 1 or 2 years ago we would not be in the mess they put us into now. Hmmmmm....follow the money!