I was wondering where the town board got their figures for what the fire companies are reqesting for their contracts. I happen to know that the fire companies are waiting for the town to make an offer to THEM first, then make negotiations from there. The numbers on the town website are a flat out lie, unless the town made up their own figure taking the info the companies gave them that the town requested out of context. The town requested that the companies give them a detailed list of needs, purchases, and basically how much they plan on spending for the next year and a five year outlook. What the town didnt understand is that some of the costs are covered by grants, fundraising, or financing large purcheses through banks. The companies never have expected the town to fully finance them to every penny.

Ask anyone involved with the negotiating process. The companies have not given a number to the board yet !!! More lies to try and make the companies look like the bad guys.
